Criminals are always attempting to illegally enter the country or ship harmful merchandise, and that’s where U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) plays a crucial role. In this comprehensive article, we explore everything you need to know about CBP, including its multifaceted duties, security measures, and ensuring product compliance with Partner Government Agencies. We will delve into what merchandise is deemed illegal and the procedures when CBP seizes a package.

The Diverse Role of U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Established in 2003, CBP serves a multifaceted purpose. While combating the inflow of criminals and illegal substances is a primary focus, CBP also plays a pivotal role in collecting duties on imported goods and ensuring compliance with regulations set by Partner Government Agencies. Covering over 9,000 miles of borderland and collaborating with the U.S. Coast Guard for maritime borders, CBP’s comprehensive mission includes preventing terrorists and their weapons from entering the country, securing borders, and contributing to economic stability.

Upon suspicion of illegal shipping, CBP takes the merchandise under custody and conducts thorough examinations at a Centralized Examination Station (CES).

Identifying Illegal Packages

To minimize the import of illegal cargo, CBP follows strict rules and regulations. Two categories of items are screened:

  1. Restricted Items: Not usually allowed through the border but can be imported with special permits. Examples include certain animals, firearms, and specific fruits and vegetables.
  2. Prohibited Items: Strictly forbidden from entering U.S. borders, including dangerous toys, illegal drugs, and cars without safety features.

If CBP mistakenly seizes a package, it is advised to contact a Customs Attorney promptly.

Detention & Seizure Process

When CBP decides to detain a package, it follows a legal process:

  1. Within 5 days of arrival, CBP detains the package.
  2. Within the next 5 days, a Detention Notice is issued to explain the reason for detention.
  3. The package is placed in a CES, where CBP analyzes its contents for illegal items.
  4. After 30 days, CBP decides whether to seize or release the package, sometimes relying on other agencies for guidance.
  5. Seized packages are moved to a Seized Property Warehouse, and a Notice of Seizure is sent to the importer/exporter.

Responding to Seizures

Upon receiving a Seizure Notice, the alleged violator has 30 days to file a petition. In the petition, individuals can argue against the violation or present mitigating factors. If successful, the cargo is released; if denied, it may be forfeited, destroyed, or auctioned.

Failing to respond may lead to serious consequences:

  1. Loss of opportunity for U.S. Customs Global Entry Program enrollment.
  2. Penalties up to the value of the merchandise based on MSRP.
  3. Consider filing an abandonment notice to preserve innocence.

It is advised to contact a Customs Attorney to discuss all of your available options.

Customs Collection of Duties

In addition to its role in safeguarding the nation, CBP plays a crucial role in collecting duties on imported goods. This involves assessing and imposing tariffs, ensuring compliance with trade regulations, and contributing to the economic stability of the country.

Ensuring Compliance with Partner Government Agencies

CBP collaborates with Partner Government Agencies to ensure imported products comply with specific regulations. This involves close coordination with agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to guarantee the safety and adherence of products to established standards.

U.S. Customs Seizure Letter

As mentioned, a US Customs Notice of Seizure Letter is issued to inform individuals or businesses about goods seized during customs clearance. It includes details such as the seizure case number, date and place of seizure, description of seized items, reason for seizure, legal authority, and contact information.

Recipients have 30 days to respond via a Petition (or are given other options), and ignoring the letter can lead to legal repercussions, loss of property, and forfeiture of goods.


In conclusion, understanding the comprehensive role of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, including the collection of duties and ensuring compliance with Partner Government Agencies, is crucial for individuals to navigate potential legal consequences effectively. When facing a customs seizure letter, immediate action, professional assistance, and understanding one’s rights are essential. Contacting a reputable law firm like Abady Law Firm can provide the expertise needed to navigate customs law and protect individual rights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. What Happens When You Get A Seizure Letter From Customs?

Receiving a seizure letter can be a serious matter, and individuals should act quickly, seeking legal counsel if necessary. Customs officials aim to identify and intercept illegal or non-compliant items, and being proactive is crucial.

2. Do You Get In Trouble If Your Package Is Seized?

Importing illegal goods may result in legal trouble, even if done unknowingly.  However, not all cases are created equal as some may result in Criminal violations while others are simply Civil violations. Consulting with an experienced attorney is recommended to navigate the legal system and understand your risks and available options.

3. Will I Be Able to Freely Come into or out of the United States?

Likely yes, you may be subject to secondary screening for which you may be able to file a redress.

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