If you’re involved in international trade, you may have come across the CF 28 customs form. The CF 28 is a Request for Information (RFI) form that is used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to gather information and documentation related to imports and exports. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the CF 28 form and why it’s important.

When goods are presented at the border for entry into the United States, Customs, at the point of liquidation, makes a final determination as to the classification and valuation, or other requirements pertaining to the imported goods.

How does Customs make that determination?

Customs uses the information provided by the importer such as the commercial invoice and other documentation at the time of entry. Issues arise when Customs finds that the information given to them is inaccurate, incomplete, or insufficient whereby Customs cannot formulate a decision. Customs may give the importer an opportunity to add additional information, clarify what was provided, or provide a sample of the imported product in order for Customs to make a final determination.

What is the CF 28 Customs Form?

The CF 28 form is a Request for Information (RFI) form that is used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to request additional information or documentation related to imports and exports. The form is used to address issues or discrepancies that are identified during a CBP inspection, examination, or audit. The means by which Customs does this is via a Request for Information – Customs Form 28 (CF 28) – see it here. The importer must be cautious; responding to Customs’ questions may have future effects.

Why is the CF 28 Customs Form Important?

The CF 28 form is important because it allows CBP to obtain the necessary information and documentation to ensure that imports and exports comply with U.S. laws and regulations. The form helps to identify any issues or discrepancies and allows CBP to take appropriate actions, such as detaining, seizing, or refusing entry of goods that do not comply with U.S. laws and regulations.

In addition, the CF 28 form is important because it helps to ensure that importers and exporters are aware of and comply with U.S. laws and regulations. By requesting additional information or documentation, CBP can identify potential violations and work with importers and exporters to address them before they become larger problems.

How to Respond to a CF 28 Customs Form

Importers should ask themselves, why is Customs asking me this question, and what effect will my answer have on my shipments. This is the opportunity to make your case to Customs for present and future treatment. If you receive a CF 28 form from CBP, it’s important to respond promptly and provide the requested information or documentation. Failure to respond or provide the requested information may result in penalties, seizure of goods, or other enforcement actions. When responding to a CF 28 form, it’s important to provide complete and accurate information. If you are unsure about how to respond or what information is required, it’s recommended that you work with an experienced customs broker or attorney who can help you navigate the process and ensure that you comply with U.S. laws and regulations.

The importer has 30 days to respond in writing to Customs from the date of issuance. If not possible to respond within that time frame a request for an extension can be asked for and usually obtained from the Customs Import Specialist handling the matter. If a Request for Information is not responded to, Customs will most often presume the least favorable interpretation of the facts, thus leaving the importer in a financial disadvantage. Therefore, it is vital that CF 28 be responded to properly and with the help of an experienced person who can guide the importer in the appropriate direction.


In summary, the CF 28 customs form is an important tool used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to gather information and documentation related to imports and exports. The form helps to identify potential issues or discrepancies and ensures that importers and exporters comply with U.S. laws and regulations. If you receive a CF 28 form, it’s important to respond promptly and provide the requested information or documentation to avoid penalties or enforcement actions.

Contact us today at 347-512-9007 regarding a CF 28 you received, time is of the essence!

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